GeoMetre - Large-scale dimensional measurements for geodesy
This project will develop novel measurement technologies for distance metrology and thermometry in general. The primary impact target of this project is a substantial contribution to an improved ITRF solution. The optimum local tie vector set derived for the next ITRF realisation at the European GGOS-CS at Metsähovi and Wettzell will be the first tangible contribution to the ITRF.
CENAGIS - The Centre for Scientific Geospatial Analyses and Satellite Computations
The goal of the "Centre for Scientific Geospatial Analyses and Satellite Computations including laboratories for testing and authorising geomatic products (CENAGIS)" is to establish a unique, integrated infrastructure aimed at implementation of modern research work in the field of geomatics, geospatial engineering and geoinformation science. The objective of the project is to establish the centre for scientific, geospatial analyses at world level, with the use of recent technologies, in particular geoinformation and IT technologies, allowing remote access to unique research laboratories to the wide groups of scientists and collaborating with innovative technological companies.
SAFEDAM - Advanced technologies in the prevention of flood hazard
The aim of the SAFEDAM project is the creation of a system for levees monitoring using a non-invasive, unmanned aerial platform, which scans from low-altitude, and optical, radar satellite and aerial imagery. For this purpose innovative photogrammetry and remote sensing technologies will be used. Flood-prone areas, detected preliminarily by images will be measured by non-invasive, flying measuring platform with centimetre accuracy using 3D measurement technique. The methodology of system application, training program and proposals of procedures related to the management of flood risk will be also prepared.
INSPIRATION - Managing soil and groundwater impacts from agriculture for sustainable intensification
This project has received funding from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 675120 and it is coordinated by the University of Sheffield, UK. The scientific and technological objectives of the INSPIRATION are: applying methods of determining C, N and organic pollutant flux dynamics between atmosphere-soil-water systems at farms and catchments scales to develop measures supporting the sustainable intensification of agriculture, developing biosensors and novel biotechnology tools to design organic amendments to restore degraded soil and marginal land for agricultural use as well as developing new (semi)quantitative approaches and modelling tools for the performance assessment and engineering design of sustainable management processes, practices and technology concepts at farm and catchment-scales–task.
Internet Atlas of Independent Poland
The aim of the project is to prepare a georeferenced space-time database, which is a central element of the Independent Poland historical information system, by reconstruction of the settlement network before and after regaining independence in 1918 and the territorial structures of the Second Polish Republic, introduction of basic statistical data on Poles before and after regaining independence to the spatial database, conducting preliminary tests of these materials and developing advanced IT tools for further analysis and presentation of these issues. One of the final results of the project will be an online information system in the form of web portal containing the result maps of the analyses carried out, as well as processed georeferenced datasets ready for analysis, processing and imaging in the digital environment.
HabitARS - Habitats Airborne Remote Sensing
The project aims to develop an innovative approach supporting non-forest Natura 2000 habitats monitoring by means of remote sensing methods. The existing methods of monitoring habitats are based on subjective assessments of experts made on location. Information is extrapolated from points to the whole area. The aim of the HabitARS project is to develop an objective and a repeatable method of identification of non-forest habitats and threats to those habitats, such as desiccation, succession and encroachment of invasive alien and expansive domestic plant species, using remote sensing methods and field botanical reference measurements.
FabSpace - The Fablab for geodata-driven innovation - by leveraging Space data in particular, in Universities 2.0
The aim of the FabSpace 2.0 is to popularize using spatial data in socio-economic life more widely. By making spatial data and platforms available for use, developers, scientists, public administrations and NGOs will be able to meet, work together and co-create new business tools and models in a creative way. FabSpace 2.0 provides free access to data and enables joint work in the field of providing innovations based on spatial data in six European universities – including Warsaw University of Technology.
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